To help ensure that you’re able to adequately see all the materials presented in the workshop, I’ve included the slides and video clips that were presented in the video, along with the link to watch the replay video.
Below you’ll find the slides and video clips that were presented in the Workshop.
Diagram of Tab Dependent Brain Networks
FIGURE 1: With tab dependent banjo playing networks, visual information is first sent to the visual cortex, then to motor planning areas where a motor program is created, then sent down through the spinal cord, and ultimately to the muscles that control the limbs (so that you can make sounds on the banjo!).
Diagram of Tab-Free Networks
FIGURE 2: With tab free banjo playing networks, information from auditory cortex (imagined sounds) and then to motor planning areas where a motor program is created, then sent down through the spinal cord, and ultimately to the muscles that control the limbs (so that you can make sounds on the banjo!).
Tune Tutorial and Backing Track
(excerpt from the Breakthrough Banjo course for fingerstyle, to be used with the Tune Learnin’ System)
“Finding the Melody” Exercise
(excerpt from the “Learning to Play By Ear Module” from Breakthrough Banjo for clawhammer)