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Fingerstyle Banjo Song and Tab of the Week:
There’s a reasonable chance I wouldn’t be a banjo player today were it not for Jim Henson.
Though I grew up in the southern US, I’m pretty sure my first real encounter with the banjo was the iconic opening scene of The Muppet Movie, released in 1979.
The opening notes of “The Rainbow Connection” rival only those of “Dueling Banjos” for the title of the most iconic banjo riff in popular culture.
That scene, and riff, are certainly my first memories of the banjo, and together planted a love for the instrument that has only grown since.
The banjo played for the song in the movie, and in many Muppets musical numbers thereafter, was a 4-string tenor banjo.
So this version has been adapted for fingerstyle on the five.
The Banjo Player’s Songbook contains over 50 classic banjo songs, and you can grab it for free. Click here to learn more.
Many more tabs, plus step-by-step video tutorials for how to play them, are available inside the Brekathrough Banjo course, which is now FREE for 30 Days
Click here for a list of songs in The Breakthrough Banjo Vault.
The “No Picker Left Behind” live sessions are a new feature of the Breakthrough Banjo course, and free to members.
These group sessions, conducted live on Zoom, are intended to help you get over the hump, to help ensure you build the foundational knowledge and skills that are essential to making steady, consistent progress.
It’s a way of ensuring that nobody who dreams of playing the banjo gets left behind!
NEW! The “Banjo For Adult Learners” Facebook Group
Click here or on the image below to join the “Banjo For Adult Learners” Facebook group. It’s a place to have conversations all about learning the 5-string banjo!